Category: Mental Health

The Healthy Advisor: Healing From Physical and Mental Abuse of the Past

The Healthy Advisor: Healing From Physical and Mental Abuse of the Past

Our experiences throughout childhood can have a major impact on the way we live our lives into adulthood. But after meeting Marc Nichols, you might never have guessed the trauma that he experienced growing up, one he describes as “inconsistent.” 

In this episode, Diana Britton is joined by Nichols, product director at Arbor Digital, who opens up about being the victim of sexual and mental abuse by people he was supposed to look up to and trust. During much of his childhood, he lived in an all-female household, so he has struggled with traditional definitions of masculinity in an industry that is still male dominated. 

Yet he came out of those experiences a stronger person, and has even become somewhat of an advocate for mental health and healing in the financial services industry. 

Marc discusses: 

  • What it was like growing up with divorced parents who had little money
  • The physical and emotional trauma he endured
  • How his connection with his twin sister shaped him
  • The gender expectations in financial services
  • His path to healing 
  • The importance of therapy 
  • And more

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About Our Guest:

Marc brings his experience as a Certified Investment Management Analyst CIMA® and Wealth Management Certified Professional WMCP® to serve as Product Director for Arbor Digital’s suite of SMA offerings. Marc also holds a Certificate in Blockchain and Digital Assets® and serves as an asset analyst and portfolio manager. You will also find Marc sharing responsibilities as manager of Investor Relations.

Prior to joining Arbor Digital, Marc started his career as a professional tennis player and coach before transitioning to financial services as an associate advisor with Merrill Lynch in Princeton, N.J. Seeking to further develop himself through serving others, Marc started an advisory business to meet the wealth management needs of clients in the New York and New Jersey market with Charles Schwab.

This episode has referenced mental abuse, physical abuse and sexual assult.  If you or someone you know is experiencing a similar situation, please contact your local resources or click the link below for more informational resources.

The Healthy Advisor: Finding Balance With Dr. Travis Parry

The Healthy Advisor: Finding Balance With Dr. Travis Parry

Dr. Travis Parry started his career as a financial advisor. But when Parry was just  26 years old, his father died of a sudden heart attack while mountain biking, and he had to clean up the financial mess left in his wake. That included processing his father’s death claim, paying off his mother’s house, helping her relocate and covering the funeral expenses. That changed the course of his career.

He fell into a workaholic trap, as many advisors do. Parry realized that while many advisors mean well and have great ambitions to help their clients, they are sacrificing their own health and life balance in the wake and putting themselves at undue risk. So he decided to become a balance coach to help financial advisors deal with their stress.

In this episode, Diana Britton is joined by Dr. Travis Parry, a balance coach for financial advisors, founder of the Make Time Institute and author of Achieving Balance: The Make Time Method To Help Advisors Reach Business AND Personal Goals in an Overworked World. Dr. Parry reveals the struggle many advisors face when starting a new business, focusing on the mental and physical strain it places on business owners at the beginning of their career. He shares the information he has gained through interviewing many advisors, discussing the traps many fall into and shares how to balance productivity with a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

Dr. Parry discusses:

  • The trap many financial advisors fall into while building their business
  • What he learned from interviewing more than 350 advisors
  • Ways advisors can overcome workaholism
  • The three myths of balance
  • What he’s learned about personal development and human motivations
  • The importance of couples development in achieving balance

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About Our Guest:

Dr. Travis Parry’s professional journey started in 2002 as a new financial advisor. He found a natural market with business owners and young married professionals. As his practice was building, Dr. Parry noticed that many of his clients needed more than financial advice, they needed advice about life in general. There were many clients who were unhappy in their careers, relationships, and overall health. He was unable as a financial advisor to give much more than financial planning advice.

Couple Development turned from a theory into a practice. This helped him introduce the concept of Couple Development to UVU students and for whom he wrote and published a manual for in 2011, called “Couple Development: How Couples who Build Thriving Marriages are Healthier, Wealthier, and Happier.”

The Healthy Advisor: Treating Your Health As an Asset with Stevyn Guinnip

The Healthy Advisor: Treating Your Health As an Asset with Stevyn Guinnip

Stevyn Guinnip has seen secondhand the toll this industry can take on a person’s health and wellbeing; her father, after all, was a financial advisor with Edward Jones for several decades. Advisors, she says, come into this industry and are told they have to hustle for the first five to 10 years and then will be able to coast. But that’s a lie. Instead, she says, many advisors work themselves ragged, and end their careers in burnout. Take the fact that stress for this industry is currently 31% higher than it was in 2008, when we were in a global financial crisis. 

In this episode, Diana Britton, managing editor, is joined by Guinnip, CEO and Wellthy Advisor at Grow Wellthy, a health coaching company, who shares about her own struggles dealing with physical health and wellness, and how that has shaped the work she does today with advisors. 

Today, she’s dedicated to preparing advisors for a better life now and a better retirement in the future. She does so by speaking to advisors in their language, coaching them to think of their health as the most important asset to building wealth. 

Diana and Stevyn discuss: 

  • How Stevyn’s father’s career impacted her professional and personal goals
  • Her own health crisis and how it impacted her perspective on health and wellness 
  • Her approach to health and fitness with financial advisors
  • How she helps advisors overcome the emotional barriers to getting healthy
  • What she has learned from interviewing hundreds of advisors


Connect With Stevyn Guinnip:

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About Our Guest:

Stevyn Guinnip, is the founder and CEO of Grow Wellthy and the creator of the Wellth Academy. She grew up a financial advisor’s daughter and enjoyed 20 years as an exercise physiologist and certified wellness coach in the U.S. and Australia. Now Stevyn has blended the world of finance and fitness, helping financial professionals and their clients earn back their health so they can retire ‘wellthy.’



The Healthy Advisor: Life As a Quadriplegic with Anthony Zhang

The Healthy Advisor: Life As a Quadriplegic with Anthony Zhang

With several business ideas and capital secured from investors such as Mark Cuban and Mark Burnett, Anthony Zhang had an impressive path towards a bright future. That is, until a terrible accident left him paralyzed from the neck down, changing his life forever. 

In this episode, Diana Britton, managing editor of, is joined by Anthony Zhang, co-founder and CEO of Vinovest, a platform aimed at democratizing access to investing in fine wine. Zhang shares his experience of being paralyzed from the neck down and how his accident impacted not only his business ventures, but also his daily life.

Anthony discusses: 

  • The three businesses he has built
  • His experience pitching Mark Cuban and Mark Burnett
  • The events that led to his accident
  • What led him to continue to lead EnvoyNow, one of the companies he built, after his accident
  • How his experience shaped the work he’s doing now with Vinovest
  • What got him through the really hard times, and the support system he has at home and at work.

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About Our Guest:

Anthony Zhang, CEO and co-founder of Vinovest, has founded/led growth and marketing teams at three venture-backed companies, including EnvoyNow and KnowYourVC. He built his first company at 18, eventually growing operations to 22 markets and employing over 1,500. Anthony oversaw $10 million plus in annual marketing spend into online media channels, SEO/ASO, offline marketing/branding campaigns, PR strategy, events, affiliate/influencer marketing, partnerships, and content development. He loves to build and grow teams and foster a rapid-testing, data-centric culture of execution.


Transparency With Diana B.: The Glass Ceiling and Financial Independence With Julia Carlson

Transparency With Diana B.: The Glass Ceiling and Financial Independence With Julia Carlson

A Note to Transparency Listeners: In 2022, the podcast is going to be changing its name to “The Healthy Advisor,” to give a clearer idea of what the podcast is about. Transparency with Diana B. was not quite as transparent a title as we thought. 

Julia Carlson got married at age 19, and right out of high school took a job at a local bank. She learned that the glass ceiling in the financial services industry comes quickly, so she left the bank after just four years and launched Financial Freedom Wealth Management Group, taking on an entrepreneurial challenge at a time in her life when most financial services professionals are just finishing up their secondary educations.

Now she’s one of LPL’s top advisors. But the journey to where she is today was not easy. She overcame problems in her marriage. And in 2012, her then 9-year-old daughter was in a bad car accident and ended up in the ICU. 

In this episode, Diana Britton, managing editor of, speaks with Julia Carlson, founder and CEO of Financial Freedom Wealth Management Group in Newport, Ore. Julia shares her story, including the challenges she’s faced along the way and what has shaped her and the work she does today. 

Julia discusses: 

  • What led her into financial services, and her experience early in her career
  • The struggles she has faced as a female advisor in a male-dominated industry
  • The lessons she learned while trying to build her business
  • How her firm struggled in the early years to reach profitability
  • How her daughter’s accident changed her perspective on the business and led her to give up some control of her firm 
  • Her advice for other entrepreneurs and female advisors

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About Our Guest:

Julia Carlson is the founder and CEO of Financial Freedom Wealth Management Group. She’s been practicing financial planning for more than 20 years and specializes in helping people who
are either retired or close to retirement. She’s been recognized as being especially knowledgeable
on topics relating to tax strategies for retirement, distribution and business exit planning.

Julia loves educating and empowering others to take control of their financial future. As a wealth advisor, she has helped individuals, families and business owners create financial strategies guiding them along the journey to financial freedom. In 2017, Julia wrote Fit Money, a guide to personal finance from a woman’s perspective.

As a successful entrepreneur, she enjoys working with other entrepreneurs who want to gain control of their financial future, build wealth inside and outside their company and create a powerful exit strategy whether they are ready to exit now or 20 years down the road.

Transparency With Diana B.: Coming Back From Failure with Eric Arnold

Transparency With Diana B.: Coming Back From Failure with Eric Arnold

Eric Arnold is no stranger to failure. In fact, he failed out of college, got fired from two companies, failed at nine different startup ventures and lost everything on a bad investment. 

In this episode, Diana Britton speaks with Eric Arnold, CEO of Planswell, about how he has learned from those failures and has been given a second chance with Planswell. 

Toronto-based Planswell, which was founded in 2015, was humming by late 2019 and was in the middle of another funding round. Then accusations of sexual harassment within the company ranks surfaced, and investors pulled out of that funding round. Arnold had to fold up shop, with some 60 employees losing their jobs. 

But in 2020, he had the opportunity to buy the Planswell brand, and he retooled the software to work with retail financial advisors.  

In this episode, Arnold opens up about the ordeal, which turned into a social media storm about how he and his firm reacted to the accusations. 

Eric discusses: 

  • How his early experiences in life shaped his entrepreneurial drive
  • How a car accident that occurred when he was 17 years old, killing his father, grandmother and family dog, impacted his life and family
  • The journey that led him to start Planswell
  • How the allegations of sexual harassment at Planswell impacted the company and its funding
  • How he would have approached the situation differently 
  • How he is doing things differently at Planswell today
  • And more

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About Our Guest:

Eric Arnold dropped out of college, was fired from two companies and failed nine startups. Yet he is still an entrepreneur. He discovered how to make money from a young age and has been working hard ever since.

Transparency with Diana B.: The Road to Recovery

Transparency with Diana B.: The Road to Recovery

Advisor Gary Schwartz was always able to make money; at the young age of 12, he started delivering newspapers in the Bronx. That’s also when he discovered drugs and alcohol, which became a way for him to self-medicate and cope with his self-esteem issues. From there, the addiction progressed; cocaine and speed were his drugs of choice. 

In this episode, Diana Britton, managing editor of, is joined by Schwartz, president and CEO of Madison Planning Group in White Plains, N.Y., who’s been clean for 32 years. Gary shares about how he eventually got on the road to recovery. But once he got clean, he felt the need to overcompensate for his addiction and his past by buying things for his family and sending his kids to the best schools. But that eventually caught up to him as well, and he nearly had to file for bankruptcy. 

He discusses his journey of overcoming those struggles to build his own advisory business, which is now thriving. 

Gary discusses: 

  • The experiences that shaped him early on in life;
  • What led him to become addicted to drugs and alcohol;
  • What his career looked like while he was struggling with addiction and how it has changed throughout recovery;
  • How family and friends played a role in getting help;
  • How his desire to overcompensate eventually led him to near-bankruptcy; and 
  • How Gary’s experiences shaped his career in financial services.

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Gary Schwartz opened the doors to Madison Planning Group in White Plains, N.Y. in 1997, followed by the Syracuse office in 2007, Long Island office in 2013 and Lake Worth, Fla. office in 2017. He attributes the firm’s success to the fact they are focused on one thing: managing the success of every single client. As part of his personal commitment to financial education, Madison Planning Group provides worksite educational seminars for employees of state agencies, unions, as well as financial workshops for employees of private and public corporations.


Transparency with Diana B.: Empowering Women to Take Control of Their Finances

Transparency with Diana B.: Empowering Women to Take Control of Their Finances

Advisor Robert Schein’s father worked hard his adult life to provide for his family, and just four months into retirement, at the age of 70, he was diagnosed with Stage 4 stomach cancer. After about three years battling the disease, his father ultimately passed, thrusting his mother into having to take over the family finances. 

Luckily, Schein and his brother stepped in to help and set her on a positive financial path. But many women aren’t as lucky. The experience inspired Schein to launch The Society of Financially Empowered Women, a non-profit organization dedicated to facilitating a community and forum where independent women may acquire the confidence to take control of their financial lives, in 2011. 

In this episode, Diana Britton, managing editor of, speaks to Schein, managing director and partner of Blanke Schein Wealth Management, a Hightower firm, in Palm Desert, Calif. about why he decided to dedicate his life to helping women better understand their personal finances.  

In this episode, you will learn:

  • About his father’s journey to America and the values his father taught him growing up;
  • How his father’s stage four cancer diagnosis changed his life;
  • How Robert helped his mother navigate her finances after his father’s death;
  • Robert’s impression on how Wall Street treats women;
  • What inspired him to create the Society of Financially Empowered Women (Society of the FEW) and the Confidence Summit;
  • About the mission of the Society of the FEW, and how its efforts are expanding

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About Our Guest

Robert L. Schein, is Managing Director, Partner, and Chief Investment Officer of Hightower/Blanke Schein Wealth Management. With more than 25 years of experience as a financial professional, Robert demonstrates a strong commitment to both his clients and community.

Robert leads the asset allocation, design, and implementation of the investment portfolio review process for Hightower/Blanke Schein Wealth Management. He specializes in developing and supporting investment strategies for high-net-worth individuals and families with complex estates, as well as philanthropic and retirement planning needs.


Robert also specializes in the leadership of a community and forum where independent women can acquire the confidence to be leaders in their financial lives. As Founder of The Society of Financially Empowered Women Inc. (, he has vowed to empower women with education, support, and community. Recognized for his leadership in this area, Robert has been featured in various publications, such as The Wall Street Journal,, Forbes, Yahoo! Finance, On Wall Street, Investment News, The Desert Sun, and Palm Springs Life. Robert is a national speaker on the topic of financial education for women and was recently asked to speak at the Desert Woman’s Show and P.E.O. International.

Transparency With Diana B.: Bad Timing and Bearing the Loss of Loved Ones

Transparency With Diana B.: Bad Timing and Bearing the Loss of Loved Ones

Advisor Anne Marie Stonich was just 28 years old when she and her two partners started building their own wealth management firm from scratch. For anyone in the business, that first year can be brutal. But she did it while also caring for her newborn baby, and shuttling to and from the hospital to see her mother, who’s health was deteriorating. Later that year, her mother passed away. And just six years later, her older brother died suddenly of a heart attack. 

In this episode, Diana Britton, managing editor of, sits down with Anne Marie Stonich, chief wealth strategist and relationship manager at Coldstream Wealth Management, as they talk about her life journey and the struggles she faced along the way. She shares how her past has allowed her to grow and change who she is as a mother, wife and financial advisor. 

Anne Marie discusses: 

  • The events that unfolded during her first year building the business;
  • How she was able to balance her work, a newborn baby and a sick mother;
  • The challenges she faced in raising three young kids while running and growing a business;
  • The events leading up to her brother’s death;
  • How the loss of loved ones impacted her outlook on life; and
  • How her experiences have shaped her career as a financial advisor.

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Anne Marie co-founded Paracle Advisors LLC in 2004 in order to provide financial advice that is truly objective and highly personalized in its nature. Paracle recently merged with Coldstream Wealth Management, and she now serves as chief wealth strategist and relationship manager at Coldstream. She has over 20 years of industry experience, including two years at Deloitte and Touche and four years at Brighton Jones Wealth Management as a lead advisor.

Transparency with Diana B.: Life as a Female Latina in Financial Services

Transparency with Diana B.: Life as a Female Latina in Financial Services

Silvia Tergas has been fortunate to pursue her passions and use her differences to her advantage within the financial services industry. Silvia’s father, who escaped from Cuba during the Cuban Revolution, paved the way for her to get educated in the U.S. The values he taught her and the rest of the family led to several opportunities throughout her life, including her pursuit of a career in financial planning. It wasn’t an easy path, however.

In this episode, Diana Britton, managing editor at, speaks with Silvia, a financial planner with Prudential Advisors in Bethesda, Md., about how she found her passion in finance, the challenges she faced as a Latina woman in this industry and how she uses her differences to her advantage.

Silvia discusses:

  • Her father’s story of getting out of Cuba and meeting her mother in Honduras;
  • Growing up in and traveling around Latin America;
  • The values her father taught her and how those led her into financial planning;
  • The struggles she faced as a female Latina in the industry;
  • How she embraced and worked through the moments of discomfort in her life; and
  • Her work with the Hispanic community within financial services.

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As a financial planner with Prudential Financial Planning Services, Silvia specializes in comprehensive financial planning services for a fee. Throughout the consultative financial planning process, Silvia works with her clients and their advisors, as applicable, to formulate a detailed and robust financial plan that is tailored to their needs.