The Healthy Advisor: Resiliency and Other Lessons Inside Lehman

The Healthy Advisor: Resiliency and Other Lessons Inside Lehman

When Mike Wunderli started his journey into wealth management, he was excited about a career that had a combination of sales and finance, interpersonal and analytical. He built up an impressive book of business, helping entrepreneurs and business owners engineer liquidity events for their companies.  But then, the 2008 financial crisis hit, causing the downfall …

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The Healthy Advisor: Persevering in the Face of Adversity with Maria Castillo Dominguez

The Healthy Advisor: Persevering in the Face of Adversity with Maria Castillo Dominguez

Maria Castillo Dominguez grew up in Ronda, a small mountaintop town in the south of Spain. And while she had a great support system, she also had a very humble childhood, and things were difficult for her family financially. And because of that background, she lacked a lot of opportunities. Most of her family members …

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The Healthy Advisor: Caring for Family With Serious Mental Illness With Paul Peeler

The Healthy Advisor: Caring for Family With Serious Mental Illness With Paul Peeler

In his financial advisory practice, Paul Peeler specializes in planning for mental illness caregivers and their families. But Paul has his own story of caring for a family member with a mental illness and the emotional toll the experience has taken on him. When a close family member spiraled into a mental health crisis, he …

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The Healthy Advisor: Overcoming Insecurities and Self-Doubt With Stephanie Bogan

The Healthy Advisor: Overcoming Insecurities and Self-Doubt With Stephanie Bogan

A lot of people in the industry know Stephanie Bogan; she’s a sought-after business and practice management coach and speaker. Before starting Limitless Advisor, her current coaching firm, she founded a consulting firm at the age of 24 and sold it in a 7-figure deal to a Fortune 200 company. She then joined Joe Duran’s …

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The Healthy Advisor: A Refugee’s Journey and the Power of Sound Healing With Sathya Chey Patterson

The Healthy Advisor: A Refugee’s Journey and the Power of Sound Healing With Sathya Chey Patterson

Sathya Chey Patterson was born into struggle. She came into the world in a Thai refugee camp, as her family had just escaped from the Cambodian genocide, an explosion of mass violence that saw between 1.5 and 3 million people killed at the hands of the Khmer Rouge, a communist political group, in the 1970s. …

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The Healthy Advisor: Lessons Learned From a Dream Not Realized with Tyrone Ross

The Healthy Advisor: Lessons Learned From a Dream Not Realized with Tyrone Ross

Trigger warning: This episode discusses content some listeners may find upsetting. A lot of folks in the wealth management industry know Tyrone Ross; he’s a frequent speaker at industry events, an active “finfluencer” on social media, and a thought leader in the crypto asset space. Less known is his life journey and how he got …

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The Healthy Advisor: Beating the Odds and a Fresh Perspective on Life With Robert Steinberg

The Healthy Advisor: Beating the Odds and a Fresh Perspective on Life With Robert Steinberg

A little more than six years ago, Robert started living a healthier lifestyle, working out a lot more, in an effort to lose weight. But one day while working out, he had a widowmaker heart attack, which happens when you have a blockage in the biggest artery in your heart. The name of it leaves …

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The Healthy Advisor: The Art of Mindfulness With Mary Martin

The Healthy Advisor: The Art of Mindfulness With Mary Martin

Mary Martin had always been very health conscious, making sure she ate right and stayed in shape. But several years ago, she had a miscarriage at five months’ pregnant, although she didn’t know she was pregnant at the time. The experience helped her learn that from an emotional standpoint, she wasn’t really present in her …

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The Healthy Advisor: Living With Major Recurring Depression With Davis Janowski

The Healthy Advisor: Living With Major Recurring Depression With Davis Janowski

Trigger warning: This episode discusses content some listeners may find upsetting. Journalist Davis Janowski grew up in the Panhandle of Florida, where he grew accustomed to sunny weather and developed a deep passion for the great outdoors. But when he moved to Syracuse, N.Y., at age 25 for grad school, the cold weather and lack …

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